This is an activity built on a listening task challenging students to imagine, visualise and describe a character. At the end of the activity students will personify a natural element or a man made object in as a written, audio, video or live presentation.

Task 1
Task 2
I think I was always misunderstood because .....................................................
People didn’t seem to like me because …………..............................................
I annoyed them because ………........................................................................
Watch the video and answer the questions.

Task 1
The story of any person's life may follow these footsteps. Can you give a practical example of how the situations described in the word cloud (right) affect a person's life?
Task 2
Task 3
In pairs or groups answer these questions.
- Who would say something like this?
- In what situation?
- What did he do to annoy people?
- Why didn’t people like him?
- What did he get used to?
- Why does he feel better now?
- What job was he offered?
Task 4
Create your own character by completing the following sentences: (PDF Download)I think I was always misunderstood because .....................................................
People didn’t seem to like me because …………..............................................
I annoyed them because ………........................................................................
I got on their nerves.That’s just the way it was. Maybe, I was too intense. Maybe, I came out too strong. I don’t know why. (why? ......................................................................)
I really can’t say. Yeah, it was lonely. But you get used to it. After a while. (Describe how you felt and what did you do as a lonely person.)
And then one day, everything changed because ………..................................
Someone finally accepted me for what I am. (In what way were you accepted?)
Since I was offered this job (which job?),
Life was completely different. (Why? How?)
I finally feel useful and that’s something.
I really can’t say. Yeah, it was lonely. But you get used to it. After a while. (Describe how you felt and what did you do as a lonely person.)
And then one day, everything changed because ………..................................
Someone finally accepted me for what I am. (In what way were you accepted?)
Since I was offered this job (which job?),
Life was completely different. (Why? How?)
I finally feel useful and that’s something.
Task 5
Watch the video and answer the questions.
Task 6
Watch the full Video
Task 7
This is what is called personification. Do you think it is a good advert?
In what ways does the wind annoy us?
In what ways can it be too strong or intense?
What do you know about wind energy?
Task 8
Riddles and Personification
Personification Definition
Personification is a figure of speech in which a thing, an idea or an animal is given human attributes (features). The non-human objects are portrayed (described or illustrated) in such a way that we feel they have the ability to act like human beings.
For example, when we say, “The sky weeps” we are giving the sky the ability to cry, which is a human quality. Thus, we can say that the sky has been personified in the given sentence.
(a) Guess who 'They' are in the short poem below.
‘Ah, we’re weary (tired) of weather,
They said, shining with dew. (morning mist, water is found on what?)
Our traveling habits have tired us.
Can you give us a room with a view?”
(b) Guess who the 'wanderer' is in the verse below.
This wanderer is a winder,
Through valley and hill.
He twists and turns,
And cannot be still.
(b) Guess who the 'wanderer' is in the verse below.
This wanderer is a winder,
Through valley and hill.
He twists and turns,
And cannot be still.
(c) Guess what is the object mentioned below.
I am pure, clean and humble,
You can put me into any shape or form that you like.
I am invisible, you can see through me ,
And I love mixing with colours.
Contributed by Bronia Sokol.
Riddle Definition
A riddle is an enigma, a mystifying, misleading, or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved or guessed
Find the answers to these 12 riddles.
Find the answers to these 12 riddles.
- Q: What has a foot but no legs?
- Q: What comes down but never goes up?
- Q: I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
- Q: Mary’s father has 5 daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name?
- Q: How can a pants pocket be empty and still have something in it?
- Q: In a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower– everything was pink!
- What color were the stairs?
- Q: A dad and his son were riding their bikes and crashed. Two ambulances came and took them to different hospitals. The man’s son was in the operating room and the doctor said, “I can’t operate on you. You’re my son.”
- How is that possible?
- Q: What goes up when rain comes down?
- Q: What is the longest word in the dictionary?
- Q: If I drink, I die. If I eat, I am fine. What am I?
Task 9
Write a longer riddle, a personification like the one about the wind or the sunflowers but about another element or object.and present it to your class. Below is a graphic with some illustrated ideas you can use.