The Party

The Setting

Melanie was attending an English course at a school in Brighton. She was staying in a lovely house with her host family. However the host family needed to go up to London and so they asked Melanie if it would be all right for her to stay alone on Friday night. Melanie was thrilled. Cool, she could invite some friends from her school and have a party.

Task 1
Do you like parties?
Talk about a party you have been to?
What can go wrong during a party?

Task 2
Look at the list of guests below. Try to guess what is going to happen at this party.

Lennon was the first guest to arrive, all dressed in pink to match his pink electric guitar.
Nora was the second guest to arrive with a large bowl of raspberries.  She was Melanie’s closest friend.
Jacob was the third guest to arrive with a rose for Melanie, a bottle of wine and the latest I-phone. The girls’ hearts melted when he came in.
Doris was the fourth guest, dressed to kill in a white dress. she made for the sofa where Jacob was.
Patrick was the fifth guest to arrive. He acted cool and cracked jokes, but the girl in the white dress had no eyes for his spiky hair.
Harley was the sixth guest to arrive. He was secretly in love with the host but she did not know it.
Jules was the last guest to arrive. He brought many cans of beer with him.

Task 3
Reading Task

Task 4
Illustration and/ or Grammar Exercise

Write a description of  a character / characters in the story.
Create an avatar or comic of a character / characters in the story.
Go to the Storyboard Assignment to build a storyboard for a film scene for the party. 
Use the The Party Active or Passive Challenge to answer questions using active or passive constructions in writing.

Task 5

  • If these characters were animals, what animal would Melanie, Jules, Harley, Patrick, Doris, Nora, Lennon, Jacob be?  Give your guesses and reasons.
  • Which of these animals is actually playing the guitar, sweeping the floor, making the bed, dancing to Dub Step, playing Ant Crusher, washing up the dishes, eating raspberries, or playing the piano. Give your answers and reasons.

Task 6
Meet the Party Animals.