This is a speaking and guessing task about characteristics and responsibilities. It explores the structure of 'who is most likely to'
Task 1
Task 1
Choose a famous person each.
Tell the class what you know about this person.
Task 2
In pairs or groups ask most likely to questions from the handout to each other.
Discuss and debate the persons chosen in task 1.
Decide who is most likely to ……...
Task 3
Compare your answers with the other pairs or groups.
Task 4
Describe the people in the picture.
Where are they likely to be from?
What are their responsibilities likely to be?
Task 5
In pairs or groups ask most likely to questions from the handout to each other.
Discuss and debate the persons in task 4.
Decide who is most likely to ………
Task 6
What is a Stereotype?
Discuss problems connected with stereotyping.