Show and Tell

What is Show and Tell?
It’s an activity for discussion and asking questions. Everyone brings an object to class. They ‘show’ the class and ‘tell’ everyone what the object is. Then everyone asks questions about the object.
What should I bring?
Something that tells a story.
Something that you really like.
Something that is not embarrassing.


I got this from ………
This is a souvenir from…….
I bought this in ……….


Task 1
Watch this video

Check your understanding of the text by downloading 'My Favourite Apples'.

Task 2
Now Watch this Video and discuss why this particular object may be a person's favourite thing.

Task 3
Now it is your turn.
Show a meaningful object: A picture or the object itself.
The students have to guess why it is meaningful to the person by asking questions.
The students tells the story behind the object.

Choose an object and say why this is your favourite thing?
How did you get it?
What memories, goals, visions, places, situations does it bring back to you?

Task 4
One can use Show and Tell to talk about work, about business or a new business product.

Talk about why are you doing the work. Which vision? Which goals?
Talk about what you have learnt from the process?
Don’t just talk about the work — show it! Tell a story about how you did it; what you’ve learned.
Talk about stuff you tried but that didn’t work out — explain why it didn’t work out.
As an audience member, be supportive, ask questions, offer praise, thanks and constructive criticism.
Keep the audience engaged, get their feedback .