Urban Legends


Urban legends are stories that didn’t really happen, but they have amazing staying power. Some of these myths have been circulating for tens or even hundreds of years, even though they’re complete nonsense.

Task 1
Read the following

  • The fake moon landings One of the most famous urban myths of all says that NASA faked the moon landings in a movie studio. You’d think the Russians might have mentioned it by now.
  • Alligators in New York’s sewers. This legend dates back to the 1930s and is based on some very dubious claims indeed. The story goes that baby alligators brought back as pets from Florida were dumped down the loo and, naturally, ended up growing into giant beasts marauding through the sewers. Despite the fact no sewer worker has ever seen one, many people are still convinced.

Task 2
In pairs discuss any urban myths or legends that you know of

Task 3
There are three stories mentioned in the video below

The titles are :

Out of the Frying Pan
Junkyard Jinx
Cured By Suicide
With Friends Like These

What are these stories about?

Task 4

In pairs decide in which of these stories do the characters
  • Seek revenge
  • kneel at gunpoint.
  • practice glass blowing artist
  • work as the mayor of their town
  • shelter from the rain
  • try to be a Macgyver type of person
  • love dogs
  • lock the keys in the car
  • divorce and end their marriage
  • get a box delivered to their house
  • suffer from acute depression
  • get falsely arrested for drug trafficking
  • betray their best friend ?
Task 5
Check out your answers by watching the video below.

Task 6
Do you believe in vampires?
Do you know any vampire stories?
What could be the reason for the popularity or belief in vampire stories?

Task 7
Check out the video below.

Task 8
Further myths here