A wrangle is ........
Task 1
Complete the Following Task
Synonyms for wrangle
Synonyms: Verb
altercate, argue, argufy, bicker, brabble, brawl, controvert, dispute, fall out, fight,hassle, jar, quarrel, quibble, row, scrap, spat, squabble, tiff
Synonyms: Noun
altercation, argle-bargle [chiefly British], argument, argy-bargy [chiefly British], battle royal, bicker, brawl, contretemps, controversy, cross fire, disagreement, dispute,donnybrook, falling-out, fight, hassle, imbroglio, kickup, misunderstanding, quarrel,rhubarb, row, scrap, set-to, spat, squabble, tiff
Idioms Can be Fun. They can be similar to idioms used in your own country. They can also sound very funny in your own language.Task 1
Complete the Following Task
Task 2
Discuss the meaning of these idioms.
Do you have a similar idiom in your language?
Does this idiom sound funny in your language? Why?
Guess how this idiom started being used.
Here is a more extensive PDF Idiom List.
Task 3
Task 4