This is a self study activity involving a virtual tour of the British Museum.
Task 1
Options 1-3 are as illustrated below.- Explore exhibits according to the timeline.
- Explore by Earth Region
- Explore by Category.
Task 2
When you select and item a thumbnail image and brief description pops up.
Task 3
Select 'Find out More' for more information. More information comes in both audio and text.
Task 4
Select a Region
Task 5
Go to Museum of the World
Choose an item and prepare to present it to the class.
You can make use of other portals for more info if you like.
Task 6
Your presentation must
- Offer information about the exhibit.
- This information should include dates, country of origin and a summary of the information offered by the portal.
- Give reasons why you chose it.
- Compare it to any similar exhibit you know about